
Function Powered by Design

New Generation Medical Instrument

SeveninOne  - Design

SeveninOne  - Concept

  • A special idea arises from a special meeting.

    Gennaro GiglioMauro ZonaGennaro Giglio and Mauro Zona are, respectively, an orthopaedist and an engineer specialised in industrial design. Friendship and scientific curiosity enabled them to create SeveninOne, an exclusive medical instrument with seven different functions. The essence of design combines with hand-picked materials in order to meet the needs of today’s orthopaedist, who looks for a functional, exclusive, and customisable product. The genesis of SeveninOne is significant and delicate, because all the details have been considered. Development, patent and manufacturing share one common denominator: quality. The CE marking (Class 1) and the registration with the Italian Ministry of Health database prove that. SeveninOne is not just a medical diagnostic instrument, but a reference in medical orthopaedic design.

SeveninOne  - Functions

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